Thursday, November 15, 2018

Female therapists in Open Dialogue

Therapy and indeed the nhs is a female dominated career here in the u.k., 77% of nhs employees are female predominantly in the lower therapeutic pay grades within the nhs.

In tornio in western lapland the original developments in the 1980’s were led by 2 male psychologist/ psychotherapists and a female psychiatrist. A team of female nurses have led developments within services.... there have only been 2 male nurses in the last 30 years in tornio. The psychologists in western lapland have always been male and it is these figures that have led the research and published the papers so the outside world would be under the impression that the leading figures are male at keropudas. At The moment the leading psychologist, psychiatrist and nurse are all female.

It would appear that the differences in gender have resulted in different approaches to training. Male therapists differ from females in that the females prefer to work as therapists in pairs which is a requirement of open dialogue. Female trainers preferring this both in the clinical work and the supervision in order that the reflective components of the model can be provided. Men appear to be more confident and less concerned about facilitating clinical network meetings or providing supervision on their own which of course does not meet the tenets of the model. The model involves dialogism and this cannot occur on one’s own, also there is the benefit derived in working in pairs with families the observations and nuances observed that can be missed by the lone practitioner.

It is unfortunate that cuts in funding in the statutory sector in the u.k. and in finland and so many other european countries, have prompted changes in practice. It is now extremely unusual to have more that 2 practitioners in meetings in the u.k. because of the salaries of the staff involved. In the past 3 or 4 clinicians have been known to attend a network meeting and this was modelled to us 6 years ago at the hackney seminars presented to us by the finnish teams.

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